Here is a quick look at one of our delicious and nutritious meals! Bet it’s making you hungry! 🙂

Today was exciting! We got breakfast that we all know and love– eggs and toast plus peanut butter and hot chocolate! We had a very welcoming guest speaker who was very sweet and told us about his love for nature. He was amazing, but so was the heat today!! The bus ride today was pretty short, which gave us a bit more free time back at the hotel. The person you know as John Keith, Group Leader, but who we call John Wick or the Baptist, went out to do some searching for some specific snacks for us. Before lunch, he brought us cookies, croissants, and donuts, because several of us had been craving bakery items. We might have eaten a few too many cookies because we ate smaller lunches than normal!

After lunch, we learned a lot about our Community Action Project that we are going to be working on and learned a bit about how to prepare. Some of us got to play kickball and basketball with some of the local kids! We got a great opportunity to see the real-life here, which made us grateful not only for what we have ourselves, but what for what we’ll be doing here.

Before dinner, we visited two stores, one that we had seen before and a new one. Yes, you guessed it– we went for more snacks! Don’t worry, we are also eating our healthy fruits and vegetables, including fresh strawberries all the time! The weather was amazing today– while walking it looked like rain a few times, but the sun stayed with us! We can’t get enough of these mountain views and almost wish we could stay just a little longer in the Dominican Republic. Not to say we don’t miss you, cause we love you guys, but the views and the people here are just so amazing! What we really wish is that we could somehow bring you all here to see what we are seeing!

Dinner is always a good surprise, and so were the talents on display tonight. Each night as we rotate the leaders of the day, the incoming leaders share a special talent with the rest of us. For example, so far this week we have seen Jayla’s magic trick, Jessica’s double-jointed-ness, Taylor’s sign language, and Ashley’s whistling! We won’t talk about John’s attempt at dancing.

We miss you, we hope you are enjoying these blog posts, and we’ll be home before you know it. God bless!

Jessica & Jayla