Hola GG Families!

The theme for today was Aid and Development where we had two different discussions regarding the topics of sustainable development that we will be using for our community action project. In the first discussion, our two PCs (Project Coordinators), Danny, and Mila, gave a presentation and walked us through what we will be doing in the next few days for our community action project (CAP).

Later we had a guest speaker, Rodrigo Mendez, a professor at State Distance University, talk to us about the 17 objectives for sustainable development. After the presentation with Rodrigo, we were split into teams to brainstorm ideas on how to ‘solve’ real-world problems and then present them to the group. In the end, we planted cat tails to signify us, our work towards the community, and how it will grow long after we’ve gone.

When it was time for our daily reflection we all gathered around and discussed the question of the day, “Who is responsible for developing whom?” Many Glimpsers shared out their different opinions saying how either parents or role models in their lives develop them. In the end, we both gained leadership skills to successfully carry out our Community Action Project.

Tania and Olivia