Hello Glimpsers’ loved ones!

As the Leaders of the Day we were responsible for the 7 am wake-up call. We then got situated and prepared for breakfast at 8 am. Breakfast consisted of salami, egg, mashed plantains, mashed potatoes, and fried cheese, yummy! Today was the first step of our Community Action Project, (CAP). We learned the importance of the “Triple C’s” aka Courage, Compassion, and Commitment for a successful CAP. After our lesson, we had free time until lunch at 12pm. Lunch consisted of fajitas, fried eggplants, rice, and assorted veggies!! Unfortunately, our Guagua, (bus), was delayed due to heavy rainfall and thunder, however, we took advantage of this delay to gather together for some karaoke.

After the skies cleared at around 2 pm, we headed to Monte Coca in the Guagua, (bus), to learn about the organization that provides resources for struggling communities, “Servicio Social de Iglesia“. We interviewed Don Roberto, a worker of “Servicio Social de Iglesia”, about their impact and mission on the communities they’ve served. We returned to our home and completed our mid-trip evaluation survey. After a long process of two computers being passed around to complete this survey, dinner was served. For dinner, we ate fried chicken, salami, rice, mac and cheese, and fried plantains, mmmmmm!! We concluded the day with our nightly meeting and passed the torch to the new Leaders of the Day. Hope you guys enjoyed our blog. Much love from Diego and Angel C!! We both agree that this trip has made us more grateful for the countless blessings we have back at home and we miss y’all dearly! Muah!!