Despite getting behind schedule numerous times, I think team Jinotega had a successful day. After enjoying an extra ten minutes in bed, we had breakfast and attended an academic seminar on the pros and cons of aid in developing countries. Then, we went to La Cuculmeca ( which is an organization that facilitates and stimulates the sustainable management of the environment and the participation of communities in their own development. We also heard from Water for People who focus on water rights, hygiene education and providing widespread and sustainable water to communities all over the world ( We had lunch at La Cuculmeca also.
At this point, we were running a little behind schedule. However, we managed to prepare for and be on time to Hagar de Ancianos – for whom we will be completing our Community Action Project (CAP). It was a very emotional experience for most of us as the state of the retirement home was very poor. Nevia, the director, expressed a need for many things, but the most heart breaking part was hearing how the community had abandoned these people. Most do not have family or are no longer in contact with them. The home rarely receives visitors. However, they still had smiles on their faces as they did a traditional dance for us. Hopefully, we will be able to make a difference in some of their needs.
Next, we attended a program seminar on English tutoring, which we will be beginning tomorrow. The group is very excited to assign the students homework! After a long day, we had a glorious pizza dinner. Then, another seminar to prepare us for tomorrow which will be living on a dollar a day.
We did such a variety of things today, the Glimpsers’ definitely got a mental workout. Being El Linder Del Dia was stressful because we were often rushing. I definitely learned that having fun and learning is just as important as staying on schedule. I am proud of the group for maintaining focus (most of the time) and learning to be more efficient.
Shout out to Annie – thank you for answering all my questions about Jinotega!
Unfortunately I am not able to post any pictures from today at the moment, technology is not cooperating.
Haste manana!
Global Glimpse is such a great opportunity for you all! I am so glad each and every one of you is in Jinotega (even though I’ve never met you). You are learning so much about another country, how others live, being a team, and about yourself and your life here in the U.S. and your attitudes and assumptions. Make the most of every moment, enjoy, and be open!
Visit to the adult retirement home must be an eye opener. Getting exposed to harsh reality of life in developing country like Nicaragua will make you appreciate what you have back home and develop respect for all human beings. Keep up the good work everyone and thanks to J Green for emphasizing the importance of time management.
Wow, what an absolutely full day of interesting talks and interactions. Sounds like those 10 extra sleep in minutes were absolutely necessary. Congrats on navigating the day successfully as El Linder Del Dia ! Hugs.