Hello! This is Grace and Pearla here with the latest news.

Today was Aid and Development day. We started our morning off at 6:00 am leaving a lot of us very sleepy. We headed to La Federacion de Campesinos which was definitely a life changing experience. We were able to see the process of how coffee is produced and also try it. We also helped our new friend Muneca bag soil with an incredible view in front of us.

We were also able to listen to the amazing speaker/ human, Esteban Polanco giving a very inspiring story of grabbing a cause we are passionate about and giving it our whole heart, definitely opening our eyes up to the endless possibilities. Esteban is one of the founders of the federation, which was created to help protect the natural beauties of the D.R. from the government and mining companies who are trying to exploit the land. After we headed back to the accommodation to prepare for our first English tutoring session! Each of us had been assigned various age groups as well as their different skill levels. We had been nervous about the interaction we had to have, but ended up being an amazing experience. Our English tutoring classes are every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Overall, it was a pretty eye opening, spectacular day. Stay tuned for tomorrow.