What’s up everybody! Just giving everyone an update on my day as leader, we started off early at 6:00 and then went to breakfast at 7:00. We got a change from the normal rice and beans with an avocado and an optional tortilla. We then headed back to our hostel for an academic seminar on aid and development. In this seminar we learned mostly that not all help is needed in an impoverished community. After our flexible group was put to the test yet again with a schedule change we were able to take an unexpected trip to mujeres ambientalistas, this is a group of ladies who were able to turn materials from a dump in their community to beautiful art in the form of notebooks, bookmarks, and cards. Don’t fret parents and siblings, many Glimpsers bought some souvenirs for loved ones today.


After another great lunch we made our way to the organization INPRHU, there we learned what these fine people do to give back to the community and to provide fun opportunities for children. While there we watched 3 of our fellow friends; Vega, Thuy, and Sam R. dance with some of the youth from the organization. We then made our way back to the hostel to prepare for our English classes we would be giving later. After this prep and some free time we then headed to begin our short careers as teachers. The English classes were a huge success, every glimpser was incredibly flexible, willing, and outgoing to our new friends. This group is filled with amazing and talented people which was proven to me again today through these classes. When we finished our tutoring we headed over to Buffet Estelí for dinner, it’s safe to say everyone was starving and could not wait to dive into their meals. After finishing our meals our two program coordinators hatched a plan to distract the birthday boy, Sam R, as we set up the two cakes and piñata.P1130955

Following our birthday festivities we had our nightly meeting where we talked about our day and our favorite parts. Many people enjoyed mujeres ambientalistas but even more enjoyed our English tutoring and beginning to bestow some of our knowledge on our new friends. Today was a very successful day for me as the leader and I enjoyed it thoroughly. The members of this group are definitely on their way to doing huge and amazing things in this world and this trip is just the start. I hope you enjoyed my breakdown of the day continue to read our future blog posts because I’m sure the best is yet to come!
PS: Mom, Dad, Emily, Cody, Coco, and Sarah I love love love you all so much and miss you all a lot. Mom send Sarah some love and tell her I miss her so very much and that everything is going great and I can’t wait to see her when I get back, that goes to you guys too. I love you!
