Hi Glimpsers!

I know I have introduced myself to students already, but for parents and friends, I am Amanda and I will be joining your students on their trip next week! Your other GG Leader is Malaysia Anderson, I will let her post her own introduction!

I am an Environmental Science teacher at Summit Tahoma and have been teaching for four years. I am originally from the Bay Area, but have lived in SoCal for seven years before moving back to San Jose last year. My students come from predominantly Spanish and Vietnamese speaking families. I can understand some Spanish, but am not a strong speaker. I will be relying on some of you to help me out there! You can talk to me about: travel, animals, movies, and Beyonce (I was at the Formation tour and it was AMAZING)!

I joined Global Glimpse because I believe in their mission to create a more global community through international education. I strongly believe that we all become better people when we can understand and accept those who are different from us. Part of that requires interacting with and learning from people who are different from us. Also, what better way to challenge myself as an educator than taking teenagers who I’ve never met before to a new country where our comfort limits will be constantly tested?? I am looking forward to getting to know each student and their stories so that I can help shape the experience to be best for them. I am also looking forward to great FOOD!

Glimpsers, you can post your own introductions on this blog! I look forward to reading them!

Big love,

P.S. I am trying to find a picture of just myself to post on here! 🙂