Hey Glimpsers!

Bet you guys are as ecstatic as we are for your trip!  While getting everything ready for your visit we’ve created outlets for you to see and explore the beauty of the Matagalpa community in 20 days!

It will be easy though, there is nothing not to love about this little town! You’ll be thrilled to know the weather, the mountains, the noise, the food, the people and the awesome guides aka Program Coordinators will all be here just to make sure you have a blast! (Yeah, you’re gonna love us!)

Literally, ALL of our partner organizations and guest speakers could not be MORE excited for you to come! So, be prepared for the trip of a lifetime making memories you will never forget!

Expect an email from us sometime next week with more specific details on the trip but feel free to reach out to us with ANY questions or concerns that you might have!

Big Love,

Sweet Skar & Awesome Alex

Ready to roll :)