Hi all 🙂

After a 4 hour trip on the bus, we finally arrived to Riobamba city, where we will spend the next 15 days! The city of Riobamba is the capital of the province of Chimborazo, and is known as “Sultan of the Andes” for its history and beauty. It is located in the geographical center of the country, in the Andes. The city sits 2,754 meters above sea level and is near several volcanoes such as Chimborazo, Tungurahua, Altar, and Carihuairazo.

Upon arrival, Glimpsers got settled in the hotel where we will be living during our time in Riobamba, and got acquainted with the hotel staff. We also ate at and met the kind staff at Nativa Restaurant, where we will be eating all of our meals throughout our stay. Chef Cesar and his team cook delicious meals!

Other activities during the day included a Welcome and Accommodation Seminar, designed to orient Glimpsers to the program, activities, and lodging, as well as various energizers and team builders. Our first “Liders del Dia” were chosen for tomorrow- Lucas and Peter- and they showed off some impressive talents (one-armed push-ups, and a serenade)! We can’t wait for tomorrow, when we will explore the city of Riobamba and continue to grow as leaders and a community! Feel free to comment below!

Best Regards!