Hi! The theme for August 4 was politics! We had an in-depth group discussion about corruption in government, the needs of people, and the function of government in Nicaragua. We watched a short film about the FSLN and Nicaraguan politics. An active elder member of the FSLN, Don Filemon, came to speak with us about his experiences in politics. He enlightened us about the past conflict between Sandanistas and the Somoza dynasty, especially during the Nicaraguan revolution. Politics is definitely a defining characteristic of Esteli-a very pro-Daniel Ortega city.
August 4 was without a doubt a fun, adventurous day. We started off the day with delicious fresh fruit and toast for breakfast. We also got the chance to experience free time on our own for the first time! All of us went out in small groups and had a blast! We ended the night with another successful day of English tutoring. It is truly inspiring to see people of all ages dedicate their nights to learning-some of them even go to drastic lengths to meet up with us each night.
I have had a great time being leader of the day. It can be quite stressful keeping track of 18 other teenagers! However, it is empowering to have a say in decision making. I’m looking forward to a great last week of this trip!
With politics there is always a lesson to learn and hopefully, we take these learning when we consider our decisions in voting, government action or in-action, etc. Thanks for the great group photo attached to the blog and the write up Katie! Hope everyone is enjoying their last week. Hello to Sarah!
Theresa (Sarah’s mom)
sending great vibes from Matagalpa!
DWIGHT (your adopted and then stolen away again GGL)
With politics, there’s always spin and multiple sides of the story. Hopefully, you were all exposed to different views. Have a great last week in Esteli, bring back lots of memories, and stay safe!