CAP Project #1

Hello everyone! Today was the start of our community action project, in which we are installing a drinkable water pipeline in the province of Mata Gorda. Everyone worked very hard using pick-axes, shovels, and their muscles to dig a very long trench in which the pipes...

Community Day

Hi! Everyone this is Jasmine and Shula coming on to the blog to let you all know how it’s going. Today was a very early and busy day we woke up early in the morning (6 AM). We had breakfast and started to get ready for the day. Then we headed out to meet our...

Day 6- Global Business/Working Local

Hi JA2B family, Today, we went to a greenhouse and helped Miguel (the owner) and the workers with taking out all of the weeds from the coffee bean plants. Marysabela among others worked very hard through the complicated weather and Jamyriah got out of her comfort zone...

Aid & Development Day!

Hello everyone! While today was mostly educational and productive, it was still an enjoyable day. While we were waking our group up, a kid named Moises tagged along and helped knock on doors! We started the day off with breakfast with some delicious hot chocolate and...

History and Culture of Jarabacoa

We had a very fun day today! We learned about the history and culture of Jarabacoa. We went to visit the fire department and where we learned that the most common fires here in Jarabacoa are forest fires and received a demonstration from Coronel Martin and Fireman...