Hello everyone!

Today was the start of our community action project, in which we are installing a drinkable water pipeline in the province of Mata Gorda. Everyone worked very hard using pick-axes, shovels, and their muscles to dig a very long trench in which the pipes will be installed tomorrow. The community members (including children) helped us to complete our goal and provided amenities such as coffee and shade for us to enjoy on this hard day. Despite obtaining some minor nicks and scratches from our labor, everyone worked very hard and we successfully completed our distance goal for the day. Some people even worked harder than they needed to (for example, KJ, Abby, Carlos, and Mary). We met many friendly locals such as Johnny, a 13-year-old boy who spoke fluent English and Spanish and worked like a machine. Also Ivanne, a young girl who helped out with many chores. After the efforts of both ourselves and the locals, the community thanked us with some delicious muffins.

Returning home from the dig site, we all had some quiet time to relax, get our energy back, and wash the dirt off. During this period, a fun game of telephone was played, and a famous Rapper named Wisin came into our Villa due to John’s good karma because he had great morale throughout the digging. Wisin came in, took a picture, and then left. Carlos and Yvette witnessed Moises (a little kid at the villa) make his bike into a makeshift motorcycle with his imagination and a crushed plastic cup, after they witnessed that, they played volleyball until dinner For dinner we had chicken, mango juice, steamed vegetables, and fish. After dinner, we had our nightly meeting which was full of more big loves and thorns-roses than usual. We all learned about the importance of communication and being ready for a big occasion beforehand. Now we are writing this and getting ready for bed.

Signing out, this is Nicholas, Yvette, and Carlos.