Education Day!

Hey it’s Hector and Jose and it has been a pleasure to be the second Liders Del Dia. Today we went to shadow students in high school, which we ended up learning the difference between their education system and how our educational system works. From our personal...

Culture Day

As the first Lider Del Dia, I was a little confused on what I was supposed to do. However, I always had my camera on hand and captured some really good moments of the once in a life time adventures. Even though we are only three days in, We already have lots to tell....

The Shadow of Sandino

Knock knock:  “8:00 am – time to wake up!”  is what I shouted at the students’ doors this morning.  Today is the last day students will hear that phrase – tomorrow’s wake up time is 6:30 am and the next day we will start at 5:00 am...

Roses, Thorns and Big Love!

Hello from Matagalpa!  We all made it here safe and sound, and our travel went smoothly.  One student may have dropped her boarding pass, and I may have run through the airport with her, panting as we boarded the flight with minutes to spare… but that’s...