Riobamba Excursion

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Tianna. Today was our delegation’s first Free Day and we had the wonderful opportunity to explore the streets of Riobamba. “Every person needs to take one day away. A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future....

Knowledge is POWER!!!

你好啊! Bonjour! Guten tag! ¡Hola! It’s Candice Ng, aka kandi here, a member of Riobamba team 1 of Global Glimpse! Today is June 9th, and guess what?! I actually was able to wake up at 6 AM today as the leader of the day! 媽咪, 爹哋, (Mom and Dad in Cantonese)...

Indigenous Day

Hola! I’m Keilana, the very first leader of the day. It’s an honor to be able to share the many amazing activities we engaged in today! We started the day with a field trip to the Pucara Tambo Centro Cultural y Turístico located in Cacha, Chimborazo. It...

History and Culture Day

   Dear parents and friends, Today we traveled from Quito to Riobamba, we got to rest a bit in the bus. Once in Riobamba we got to settle in La Primavera Hostel, what’s going to be home for the rest of the trip. Students played games and had fun in the green areas....

We’ve Arrived!

Dear Parents and Friends, Just a quick note letting you know that we’ve arrived safely. We’re staying in Quito for tonight and below is our breathtaking rooftop view. We will be heading to Riobamba early tomorrow morning. So stay tuned with more exciting...