Final Reflection Day

Hello from Houston, Texas! This is Emily and Sammy reporting to you. We’re currently typing this blog post at the Houston airport, but we’ll summarize what we did yesterday during our final reflection day. We started the day with breakfast at Roma Santa...

Free Day!!!!

Hey everyone, Niya and Nikki here again. We were leaders of the day for today and got to show off our talents at the nightly meeting. Niya wrote a great poem about the trip and the students; you can read it below. Nikki showed the students a step she did in college....

A Fun Day (hehe) (dope sauce)

HI! This is Katie and Charlie, reporting from Riobamba. Today was an adventure, as was every day. We woke up at 6:15 am and had breakfast at Isabel’s (yummers). Then, we headed to Baños without Charlie (shoutout to Emily, the temporary LDD in place of Charlie)....

Community Action Project Day 2!

Hola! Today we finished our CAP project, how exciting! Today we completed painting two murals, creating school games, cleaning up the school, and planting some plants. Much paint somehow got onto everyone´s hands but it will come off eventually (let’s hope). We...