Free Day

Hey everyone it’s Yasmin and Sabina! Thankfully, we were the lucky leaders that got to sleep in and wake up stress-free knowing our day would be filled with fun and ease. We made our way to Riobamba city and split into groups to discover and enjoy the culture...

Indigenous Worldviews

Bienvenidos from Ecuador! Today we started our day off early at 7 am with loud banging and the yelling of “rise and shine cutie patooties.”  As always, we had an amazing breakfast with multiple courses and so much food. When 9 am came around, we had some...

Adventurous Day!!

Hola amigos y familia!! Adam and Narain here to recap our eventful day, starting off at 5:45 am. Waking everyone up was a tiring experience as nobody was willing to wake up at such an early hour. However, we pulled ourselves through to eat breakfast at 6:45 am and...


“It’s not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize accept, and celebrate those differences” – Audre Lorde Today, was our “Live Like a Local” day! We split into four groups, each group was with a different...