RB1A Return Flight Delay

Hello Parents & Guardians of Delegation RB1A, Glimpsers are currently safely in the air on their way to SFO and I’m sure you are excited to welcome them home! I want to share that the return flight from Houston to San Francisco was DELAYED by 1 hour 45...


Hello for the last time this summer, dear families and friends. Reporting directly from Quito, Ecuador, we want to let you know that all of our Glimpsers and our two GGLs have successfully passed through airport security and are currently waiting to board the plane...

Chillin in Chimborazo

Hello, lovelies! It’s Nisitha, still alive and kicking. What’s up y’all its Lahari (yes mom I am eating alright). The day started off on a high note, quite literally, since we started our day with a mini hike up Chimborazo volcano, which is up to...

CAP Completion!

Dear Families and Friends, We can’t believe there’s only two days left of our trip!! We started the day off bright and early at 7:00 am. Rise and shine! After getting ready for the day, we had a delicious and nutritious breakfast of Ecuadorian bread and an...

Community Action Project Day!

Hiiiiii everyone! Annie and Max here 🙂 Today we woke up at 7 am and had a fulfilling breakfast of bread, and took a nice picture with the supplier of our project materials, Eduardo. Afterward, we left for the Adolf Kolping School where we split into several groups and...