We can’t believe the time is almost here. Before anything, we would like to express how excited we are to meet all of you this summer. We, your Program Coordinators (PCs), have spent the last three amazing months in Riobamba planning a dynamic 14-day itinerary. We...

Hi, Hola, Dia Duit

Hello everyone! My name is Rex and I am a rising senior at Westmont high school. I have been in love with art since the very minute I could hold a pencil, and it has stuck with me to this day. I enjoy singing (and screaming/harsh vocals), playing piano, and playing...

¡Vamos a Riobamba!

Hi Glimpsers and families, My name is Samantha Nguyen (she/ella), and I’ll be one of three Global Glimpse Leaders traveling with you to Ecuador! I taught Biology and AP Environmental Science at El Cerrito High School for 6 years, but I recently moved homes and am...

Excited to meet you!

Hi everybody! My name is Adanna. I love listening to music, cooking, eating yummy food, and hanging out with fun people. I also like to do art (of any kind), write poetry, and read. I love meeting people, hearing their stories, helping people, and basically anything...