Day 8: Environmental Justice

Today, we spent an educational day at the base house where we discussed multiple topics pertaining to environmental justice. We had breakfast at 7:30 am and we were served french toast, eggs, and a variety of fruits. Next, we proceeded with our mental warm-up and...

Day 7: Fun Day

As per our routine, since we started this educational journey, we were up at 7 am and had breakfast. Today’s breakfast consisted of pancakes, watermelon, papaya, scrambled eggs, and fresh juice.  After a brief bus ride to the beginning of the trail, we went...

Day 6: Aid and Development

We woke up around 7 o’clock this morning to eat breakfast. After breakfast, we had a group seminar about our Community Action Project (CAP). This was jumpstarted by an activity where we were grouped into three teams. Each group had certain materials that they...

Day 5: Community Day

Today, we got a closer look into the lives and ways of living of a few local Ticos (Costa Ricans).  We were given a brief tour of the neighborhood public school before meeting representatives of our host families. We were divided into small groups and despite having...

Day 4: Global and Local Business

  Today, we visited two local businesses; a coffee factory and a cheese farm. We learned about the history of coffee and cheese production in Costa Rica and their impacts on local communities and the global economy. We first went to the coffee factory called,...