CAP Day 2 – Back at it Again!

Hello everyone! Welcome to another hard working day of community service, where many obstacles were faced but were seen as a fun challenge to overcome.  Today, we woke up at 6:30 am to a “fun” surprise. After the power outage from last night, we were left...

Getting to Work!

Hey everyone, welcome to the first day of community service work, the reason that a lot of us initially signed up for Global Glimpse. Today, we woke up super, super early at 6:30 am, and have a great breakfast of gallo pinto, eggs, bread, fruits, coffee, and juice....

Vibin’ at the Base House

Buenos días padres y amigos, somos Willa y Salma. Hoy es martes, día de ocho y la lección es la justicia ambiental.  Today we woke up a bit earlier than usual, at 7:00 am to be precise. We had pancakes, scrambled eggs, yogurt with granola, and of course, the most...


Hey guys! My name is Arlo June and today I had the experience of being the Líder del Dia. Today was a fairly low-key day. We started off with a wake up call at 7:30 am, followed by breakfast, which consisted of eggs, sausages, french toast, and fruit (bananas, mango...

Aid & Development Day

Pura Vida families! This is Alex and Prerita with a crash course of our day today. We had gallo pinto, fruit, eggs, salad, and bread for breakfast, and then got introduced to our CAP (Community Action Project) that we will be working on later next week. We learned...