Hi Glimpsers!
We are a group of youth ages 15-20 from San Juan who will be your Local Youth Ambassadors, your friends and your coteachers in English Tutoring. We volunteer with Global Glimpse so we can practice our English, serve our community and make lasting friendships… with you!
We are a team made up of people from different parts of the city. We are very excited to meet all of you. We want to learn more about American culture and about you as a person. For example, what are your hobbies and your backgrounds? And what you know about Dominican culture?
Something that we would love to learn about this group of Glimpsers is your culture. We would love to teach you about our culture, slang, traditional food, etc.
A little bit about us:
Yelena Cuevas Carrasco: I’m 25 years old and I am from San Juan. I like to dance and learn about other cultures. I’m an ambassador because I want to be able to help my community. I am most looking forward to meeting new people and sharing knowledge.
Loriel: I’m 21 and I am from San Juan. I am studying biology and chemistry. I like to draw in my free time and play video games. I’m an ambassador because of the experiences it can bring me and because it will give me the chance to share our culture. I’m looking forward to having fun with the Glimpsers.
Juan Manuel Taveras: I’m 21 years old and I am from San Juan. I am studying Modern Languages, and I love to learn about other cultures and meet new people. That’s why I am an ambassador! I’m most looking forward to sharing our experiences and also to become better at English!
Geraldo: I am 21 years old and I’m from San Juan. I’m studying Modern Languages, and I like to dance bachata and merengue, play sports, and draw. I’m an ambassador because I want to get to know other cultures as well as share my own. I can’t to have fun with the Glimpsers.
Luis: I am 17 and I’m from San Juan. I’m a high school student. I like to listen to music and hang out with my friends. I’m an ambassador because I want to get better at English and to learn about American dances! I’m ready to have fun and meet more people.
Daima: I’m 20 and I’m from San Juan. I’m currently studying nursing. I like to sing and play guitar as well as play with kids. I’m an ambassador because I want to improve my English and learn more about American culture. I’m most looking forward to the history tour!
Joryi: I’m 20 years old and from San Juan. I study physical education, and I like to play basketball and baseball. I’m and ambassador because I want to get better at English and learn about new cultures. I am ready to be surprised this summer!
Merfy: This is my second year being a youth ambassador. I study journalism in Santo Domingo, but I am from San Juan. I spend most of my free time volunteering or modeling, and I love American models. I’m an ambassador because it gives me the opportunity to show Glimpsers that there are many different kinds of ways to live life. I want to show Glimpsers my reality. Global Glimpse lets me open the eyes of people from other cultures. I’m excited to make new friends and learn the good in everyone!
Jordy: I’m 20 and I like to paint. I am religious and I like Model UN. I’m an ambassador so that I can meet new people. I hope we have fun this summer!
Engels: I’m 17 years old and I like to watch Netflix. I’m part of my high school’s folklore group. I hope we do a lot of cool things this summer and that I get to practice my English.