Hola amigos! My name is Leydianis González, but you can call me Leydi. I was born and raised in Chitré, Panama. A country as beautifully biodiverse as Costa Rica.
My admiration for the intricate patterns that enable life on Earth led me to pursue a degree in Biology and through participation in exchange programs both locally and abroad, I’ve had the pleasure of studying amazing creatures, traveling through breathtaking landscapes, and sharing experiences with people from diverse backgrounds.

One of my most cherished memories is working with my Global Glimpse team in Riobamba, Ecuador, last year. The dedication of the people working to better their community, the curiosity of the students discovering new things, and the richness of the Ecuadorian culture are some of the many things I hold close to my heart.

One of my favorite things to do at home is to learn languages. There’s something about reading books, watching movies, or singing songs in their original language that brings me joy. But the feeling of creating a deeper connection with my friends by trying to speak their language is even more rewarding (insert cat emoji with hearts over eyes).
I can’t wait to meet you in Costa Rica this summer! We have so much to learn and experience together. I’m committed to ensuring that our journey is a safe and joyful one, guided by courage and compassion.



Hola, my name is Guillermo, but you can call me Memo…it’s easier to “memo”-rize.
I’m gonna be one of your PC here in the most beautiful country in the world, a. k.a. Costa Rica.
I have a bachelor’s degree in Eco-Tourism, I studied this career at the University of Costa Rica. I’ve more than 15 years working as a tour guide. I already worked doing different activities like naturalist guide, rappelling and zipline, history, MTB, horseback riding, and sometimes city tour guide. Thanks to my job I’d have the chance to know my country better and to really appreciate what we have here, and that makes me feel so proud that I want to share it with the whole world.
I was born and raised in Turrialba and since 7 years ago I live in Aquiares with my beloved family and my 7 dogs and 2 cats…I don’t like cats at all but…
I really enjoy my job, I like hikes (especially with my daughter and my 7 dogs). I like all types of animals and playing video games, I like drawing and painting and I love MTB.
I can’t wait to meet you and introduce you to my family and my 7 dogs and the 2 cats, and share with you a little bit of my beautiful community and my country…. the most beautiful country in the world…
Pura vida and see you soon.