Here on the Global Glimpse trip the CAP (Community Action Project) is a huge deal. We find the issue after speaking with the community and spend time trying to solve it through hard work and determination. We are building a water bank with a filtration system because they need a clean source of water. Today, we started the project and even through the intense heat you could see the smiling faces of the Glimpsers and locals. Even the children were excited and ready to help. We made an assembly line to transfer buckets of sand from the top of the dirt hill to the work site with the help of amazing children who ran up and down to get the work done faster. People also made cement. Everyone’s effort made me want to keep pushing, so I’d say for the first day of the three-day project we started strong.

After taking a well-deserved break, we taught our fourth class of English tutoring. My class began to learn present tense of “to be” as their lesson. When asked to write sentences in both English and Spanish that correctly used the present tense of “to be,” some students caught on quickly and wrote 5 sentences such as “he is my dog”; “they are my friends,” and “she is my sister.” But some students were having trouble using the words correctly, so after some one-on-one help from the Glimpsers and Youth Ambassadors, the students were all able to write at least one grammatically correct sentence. Throughout tutoring, I have learned that language is one of the largest barriers holding us back from each other. I wanted to try and help students who needed the help, but with my very limited knowledge of Spanish I wasn’t able to understand what they were saying or give feedback of my own. After class ended, our group started preparing the lesson plans for our last English Tutoring session on Monday.

Izzy Swift, Lindblom Math and Science Academy

Sasha Harper, Walter H. Dyett High School for the Arts