Good evening family and friends!

Today was the final day of our CAP project for the Otto Mora Perez Elementary School! Today our leaders woke up at 6:00 am for a long day of work. We were greeted and energized by a cold breeze that hit our faces. We made our way down to the kitchen where our kind and caring chefs had prepared a delicious breakfast for our group. What our chefs had prepared for us today were diced-up sausages cooked in a vibrant red sauce with cut-up vegetables. They paired the sausages with a side of either tortillas or toast with butter. The dish was completed with a black bean paste that tastes delicious when spread on top of the toast with sides of orange juice and coffee. No meal is complete without fresh fruit like the watermelon and pineapple that was available to us today. After our delicious breakfast, we made it out to the lawn to start our journey to the school with a great hike of two steep hills.

After the group’s arrival at the school, we got straight to work with everybody having been assigned jobs to do. There were groups working on painting a couple of beautiful and eye-catching games onto the floor for the kids to play on. There were other groups working on filling up the trash pit, making the surrounding area feel a lot more clean and appealing. The clean-up crew also helped a lot in ensuring everything is kept organized and neat. After completing all of our tasks, we and our peers learned a lot of long-lasting values and lessons that we hope to implement throughout different aspects of our lives. Though we worked very hard today, we made sure to take multiple water breaks and even a dance break to maintain high energy and keep everyone ready to fulfill the duties assigned to our delegation

We finished our work earlier than planned and then began to finish cleaning up the school as a collective. The community expressed their appreciation by treating us to homemade popsicles in 3 different flavors: fruit, coconut, and sour guava. We did have more work to do, although it wasn’t physical. Afterward, we had an amazing soccer game with some of the kids that went to the school we were working at. Due to one of our peers, Messiah’s illustrious agility and ball control, the kids began chanting and calling him Messi. Directly after the game, we arrived back at home base and relaxed at around 4 pm until our dinner at 5:30 pm, which consisted of a burrito with chicken, bean paste, and cheese (and without, for dietary restrictions of course) accompanied with a side of salad that contained lettuce and tomatoes, complimented with a cold glass of guayana. Some kids liked the meal so much that they even saved some in the fridge for later. Then we had our nightly meeting at our usual time of 7 pm and passed the sloth to our next duo of leaders for the following day. We learned many things through our CAP project that really opened our eyes to the reality that some people live in and to appreciate what we have.

Big love,
Ayanna and Sebastian