Today is day 9 of our trip!!! We are close to coming back home which is exciting and sad at once. Although we are getting closer to the end of this trip that also means that we have started our Community Action Project (CAP). Today was our first day of our CAP project which was really fun to start and it’s exciting to see everything come together. So far our day consisted of me (Yuritzi) and Edwin waking up everyone up at 7 AM and from there afterward spending most of our day at the school and getting started with the mural paintings and with painting the basketball court. We got divided into 2 groups of 10 each, so things are getting done pretty fast I would say. Once we had spent some time at the school we had to go to get our lunch break which today we had chicken tenders with some salad and white rice (really yummy!!) and from there went back to doing our project. We had to do as much as we could since there was some probability of rain we had to make sure the paint had enough time to dry otherwise it could have gotten smudged 🙁 . After spending more time working on the murals and the basketball court, some of us took a break and went to the store next door to buy some snacks and drinks. After some hours of painting, we started cleaning up and got everything ready for the next day. We came back to the hotel at around 5 PM and had an hour of free time, which mostly everyone used to clean themselves and get ready to go to town. I (Yuritzi) personally stayed in with 2 other girls (shoutout to Daisy & Isz) and got to talk to them a bit more. I ( Yuritzi) know everyone else had fun in town. As well as going to dinner outside in the city which sounds really fun. Here in the hotel tho we had some really delicious pepperoni, ham, and corn pizza (They were all REALLY good!!) Right after dinner, the group got here so everyone else (Daisy, Bere & Erika) & I (Yuritzi) ran up to our houses which was funny to do since everyone else decided to leave us here at the hotel, we got out little payback of leaving them alone when they got here. Overall, it was a very exciting and tiring day. Seeing everything from our project take place has been really exciting and intriguing. I (Edwin) decided to go to town and look around trying to buy more stuff to take back home. While doing so the group I was with got hungry so we decided to get some pizza to bring back home. Little did we know that they served pizza here back at the hotel too. I tried both of the pizzas and to be honest, the pizza at the hotel was better. Now we are just eating and ending the night.

Leaders of the day:


Yuritzi Fortino: Hola mami!!! Hola papi!!! Espero que se encuentren bien. Solo les quiero decir que los extrano mucho y no puedo esperar los dias que falta para verlos. No se preocupen yo aqui me la estoy pasando bien y todo ha estado muy divertido. Diganles a mis tias y primas que las extrano tambien y a Siomary que ya casi voy a llegar a casa para que la pueda ver. Saludos para todos por alla y ya faltan pocos dias para vernos!!! Por lo mientras me despido pero solo para decirles que los extrano y los amoooo!! Le dan muchos besos a Lobo y Sparky de mi parte porfavor!!

Edwin Tum: Hola mami solo queria avisar que estoy todo bien y me estoy divertiendo mucho con mis amigos y que los extrano a ustedes y la nena tambien. Voy a regreasr en unos dias y estoy feliz de verlos otra vez y contarles lo que hice durante este paseo que me gusto mucho por los amigos que hice y tambien los lugars que fuimos.