Buenas noches a todos,

Today was day one of the CAP project, which we all have been anxious about. Christian and I started the day by waking everyone up at 7 a.m. and then eating the delicious breakfast that Angie had prepared for us. Shortly after eating breakfast Max, Hana, Christian and I headed to the hardware store to get the materials and equipment we would need for today´s job. Once the materials were collected and packed, we headed to school to start our long day´s work, where we were split into three groups and each worked on paintings we had already sketched for three different rooms.

At the school, there wasn´t power, so people were reminded to drink lots of water and take many breaks whenever they felt tired. Today was a very long day for the Glimpsers, especially without AC to help with the heat. Even our PC struggled, we can only imagine what the young students feel during class without power. We made lots of progress by working together and communicating with one another, which made the progress a lot faster. Even though there were many challenges we persevered as a team, and we were able to get closer to our goal of completing the paintings. After a short lunch break, we continued working on the paintings then we headed back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, we had our free time in which we were able to freshen ourselves up and prepare for dinner. Once we were done with dinner we had our nightly meeting in which we reviewed and talked about the impact of our day. We see the importance of our project as it will raise the spirits of the children as well as their future resources and support.

We hope the families can send words of encouragement by commenting on this blog post and we hope everyone has a good night.

Gracias por su apoyo y adios.