Hola family and friends. Theresa and I were the leaders for today and our moment began yesterday night. Nick challenged Theresa to jump 10 times and I had an American Idol audition(btw I can’t sing).

Going back to today’s schedule, our wake up call was at 6am and then we headed off to breakfast. After breakfast we got back on the bumpy road to Robledal to continue our work for CAP. From our work from yesterday, we started with holes in the ground for the poles of the fence, 3 completed painted walls on the outside and 2 walls on the inside. We then ended today with all the poles cemented to the ground, the mural almost complete(shoutout to Sara for being an amazing artist), a chalkboard using chalk paint and 19 tired Glimpsers. People from the community helped as well while none of us really knew how to use cement or even build a fence! Having 1 more day of CAP to go, we still have much work to do and it all comes down to teamwork.While working, many of us enjoyed listening to our “American music” where it reminded us of home. I also enjoyed playing and trying to speak Spanish to some kids but no hablo español.

Next, we headed back to the hostal expecting free time but we had to be flexible and some people had to buy more materials for CAP and others had to begin their lessons for our last English tutoring class. For the icebreaker for my group, we played charades which was quite challenging and fun where some people had to act out me, Tara or Sara. As we got through our lesson, it was difficult to say goodbye to our 4 students where I really enjoyed having conversations with them and learning from them as they were learning from us. As a treat we gave our students some goods from the bakery that we all love.

We then had dinner and headed back to the hostal and had an energizer called “Honey I love you” which had everyone laughing and smiling which also made you lose if you did smile. We only have a few more days of the trip which is a bittersweet feeling for me but all good things come to an end. See you soon Mom, Dad, Uncle, Earl, Denniel and Kyle xoxo . P.S I should have taken Spanish instead of French, sorry monsieur.