Today began like any other: 7:30am wake up, 8:10 breakfast, yet there was something lingering in the air after last night’s nightly meeting. The sentiment arose that CAP Day 3 would contain a lot of last. The leaders of the day, Jared, the funny one, and Max, the true representation of a true leader, challenge the team to see tomorrow as an opportunity to have more first than last.

After our last arrival at Carlos Garbaye, the ramp and gardening crews got to work. The ramp group, Jared’s group, made quick work of the rest of the ramp while the gardening crew, Max’s group, struggled against many adversities: bricks, weeds, spiders, and bureaucracy. By lunch, the garden was nearly complete and the two forces came together for the first time. The glimpsers of Riobamba 3A were to accomplish what we set out to achieve while becoming unidos.

During our free time, there was a role reversal: the boys, who are accustomed to going out, decided to stay in. Following the free time, we had our last mini self-reflection in which we discussed our take ways from the CAP project as well as reasons for why we are in Ecuador.

After our shortened last English tutoring lesson, there was a touching moment at Santa Roma. Today is Nelson birthday. Big love to our Ecuadorian mother, Isabella, for inviting us to celebrate Nelson’s birthday. Also Big love everyone who signed the ball. Some so small to us but real big to the guy Nelly. Nelson gave a big speech that touch everyone’s hearts. To keep it short, Nelson stated that we are family, to keep the small memories because those are the ones that we are going to keep. It was very hard for me, Jared, because I had to translate what Nelson was saying in Spanish. We are family.

Big love to the parents for writing those meaningful messages that make us miss home.


Jared and Max