Salutations to our beloved families, supporters and friends,

In the morning, some Global Glimpse VIPs joined us for breakfast as well as the final day of our CAP project. This project was focused on Chillo’s house which we considered to be one of the most challenging houses during the CAP project as the landscape made it difficult to transport the cement and the limited space made it harder to mix it.  But even when the odds seem stacked against us, we pushed through and completed his house! This leads to what I felt was the main lesson we learned today, which is to be more flexible.  During the whole CAP 3 project, people were more open than ever to fill roles they didn’t sign up for and as always without complaints. Although the challenges we faced were difficult, no one got discouraged, which was a pleasant surprise.  Good job Global Glimpsers! I’m proud that today people were more understanding and more emotionally aware than any other day. Today, everyone was inspiring, but if someone had to take the cake, it was my fellow leader Gabriel.  He was on top of every responsibility as a leader; making sure everyone was doing okay physically and emotionally. Today, being a leader for me wasn’t to be demanding, but to put others’ needs first.  I speak for both of us when I say that our peers well being comes first, so while Gabriel took the front, I took care of the back, prioritizing the needs of others in our group and making sure that anyone who was more reserved got an opportunity to talk privately about how they felt. Today, I learned that I’m not as bad a leader as I thought I would be. Normally, I’m so focused on my improvement that I tend to skip over my strengths, only focusing on my weaknesses, but today, made me realize that both need an equal amount of attention in order to be and successful leader.

With genuine appreciation, love, and sore muscles,

Sean and Gabriel