HOLA GLOBAL GLIMPSE FAMILIA!! To keep you guys updated it was our final day working on the houses for the families who didn’t have one. It was a bittersweet feeling to leave not only our progress behind but also the community, more specifically the kids. The whole time while we were visiting the community, the kids were always excited to see us and always wanted us to play with them. We were always greeted with a smile and hugs, and it definitely gave us a reminder as well as motivation to keep working hard. To wrap up our CAP Day 3 we all wrote the Community Leader a thank you note and Trinity and I presented it to him (with our translators Kimberly and Jeffery). TEARS WERE SHED!!!! After a bus ride filled with music and tears, we arrived at the ranch where we facilitated a group reflection of our whole CAP experience. We talked and reflected on the activities where we did well as well what we could’ve improved upon as a group as well as individually. Once the reflection ended, we enjoyed free time. After free time, it was time to celebrate Adrian’s 17th birthday!! We gathered around and sang Happy Birthday, we also enjoyed some delicious cake. Once we were done with the cake, there was one more surprise left… A bonfire!!!! We made S’mores while listening to music and creating long-lasting memories


Singing off sincerely, Makayla & Trinity