
Today we began our CAP (Community Action Project) at Proyecto de Desarrollo Integral Adulto Mayor San Juan (Senior Activity Center in San Juan). The delegation was split into three different groups, one working on murals, one on the garden, and the last working on a bike for physical therapy. Each project was designed and budgeted by Glimpsers, then presented to representatives from San Juan in order to make sure it addressed their needs. The delegation prepared their ideas for around a week before finally getting the chance to execute their project. We got off to a great and productive start despite the cold and rainy weather. We worked together for around 4 hours and managed to begin garden renovations, finish the majority of the large mountain mural, and begin the wooden stand for the exercise bike.

The biggest highlight of the day was the entire delegation working together to accomplish the CAP project and help the community. We realized that in order to help others, we would have to coordinate and communicate with each other to complete the project in an efficient manner. If anyone needed support in their work, someone would always step up to help them even if they weren’t working on the same project.

As Líderes del Día, we learned how important teamwork and communication is to completing a goal for the greater good of a community. Without considering these important factors, helping the people of San Juan would not be as easy nor effective.