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Cory, Jayvann, and Oliver creating and painting the Dominican flag.

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” Frederick Douglass 1857

Today this quote was important because it reveals how if one doesn’t struggle, then there is no progress. Today was the most difficult day for me as leader because I was given a lot of responsibility on a day when the goal was to open the store in such a short amount of time. in the morning G2(delegation 2) woke up at 7 o’clock in the morning and then they ate breakfast at 8:00am. next we got on the bus and headed towards La Federacion during the bus we listen to music that would inspire us to work hard and get the job done.

When we arrived at the La Federacion we went straight to work. 5 global glimpser started fixing up the store and painting the logo and the dominican flag . The rest of global glimpsers started making more products,panting the moral, and putting coffee in the coffee bags,so we could sell it. As leader of day, my job was to make sure everyone was on task and making sure we open the store in time. As i walked around and check on different groups, I notice that was engage and determine to open the store at 3o’clock. Even when the people in the groups had nothing to do because they was waiting on the paint to dry, they started going to other groups helping out and making new products that we could sell in the store. when it was time for lunch at 12:45pm, glimpers wanted to keep working in order to complete the CAP project. as a leader i had to convince them that it’s better to eat because then u gain energy. After lunch , the glimpsers went straight back to work because once again they had ambition and determination to finish the CAP project. Around 1:30  women from all different communities started coming and helping global glimpers create new products and attend the grand opening of the store.

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Emily and Chayim painting the El Bamboo mural.

At 3o’clock  we opened the store and we said thank you to all the communities that helped us create new products and who will run the store when we leave. We sold items to customers including the glimpsers and visitors from other countries. After clean up, we got on the bus and headed to Parque Duarte to sell more items. In the park we faced many challenges but we were able to be flexible and sell a few items. Later at self refelection, we discussed what we did well as a group for the project, how we could do better, and the schedule for tomorrow’s final reflection. The group realized that one person can make a difference by promoting an idea and others taking the idea and turning in into something that can help others. According to the quote above, if we didn’t struggle today, we wouldn’t have appreciated the progress we made.

Thanks for reading,

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Cory, Jayvann, and Oliver creating and painting the Dominican flag.