Hello everyone!!

Today was the first day of our CAP Project. We were given the opportunity to spend the day at a local school called Yaruquíes, where we able to remodel and revamp the school’s exterior. Everyone separated into groups and each worked on different areas of the school. Some worked to incorporate a mural that will teach the students the English alphabet and basic numbers, while others worked on covering up vandalism that was on the walls by creating an under the sea painting. Lastly, the last group worked on making the playground more stable and vibrant. Initially, we thought that it was going to be chaotic because everyone had a vast amount of different ideas. However, we all worked diligently and through hard work, our ideas became one vision.

Being the líder del día was very fun but required a lot of patience and planning. The group was great today and made our job easier.

Alison here – Hello to all my friends and family. I love and miss you all! I love reading all of your comments and can’t wait to see you to tell you how my trip was. Miss you Azza, Lexy, Dad, and Mom!

BrittBabyy Here – Hello to my family and friends thanks to you all for your prayers and comments, they mean a lot! I can’t wait to talk to you all, I miss everyone so much. P.S. Thanks to all my Aunts and My grandma for keeping up with me!!