Recent posts from: Esteli – 07/21/2013

First day in Esteli!

Hey everyone! Today was our first full day in Nicaragua and our first day in Esteli!  We got up this morning and headed to breakfast in Managua…our first taste of gallo pinto!  (Some of us like it more than others).  We then boarded the bus for Esteli, which...

Safe and sound in Managua, Nicaragua!

Hello Parents and Families, we made it safely to Nicaragua!  We are staying the night in Managua, the capital city, and tomorrow morning after breakfast we will head to Esteli via bus.  The students will be writing more soon, but just wanted to give you an update that...

Less than a week away…

Hello Glimpsers! In a week, we will be waking to our first morning in Estelí!  Here are some reminders as you are packing: Bring your passport and greencard (if applicable) to the airport; Make two copies of your passport (page with your photo) – leave one at...