Recent posts from: Leon – 06/07/2013

June 8

After a late night journey from San Francisco we landed safely in Managua Friday morning. During our ice breaker sessions waiting for our flight, our glimpsers bonded and got to know each other better. It was a pretty smooth journey, despite troubles sleeping on the...

Who’s ready for the trip of a lifetime in Leon?!!

One week left ’till you arrive in Nicaragua, which will be your home for the following three weeks!  Hope everyone’s feeling really excited and ready to build strong connections with like-minded people, as well as grow as responsible global citizens.  We...

Hello Fellow Travelers!

Greeting to all the Global Glimpsers attending the trip to Leon on June 7th! My name is Shelby Buchmann, and I am currently a junior at Analy High School. I am incredibly excited to meet all of you, and get the chance to travel with you. I have never been out of the...


Hi everyone, my name is Vivian Wong, and currently, I go to Independence High School. I’m totally excited to go to Nicaragua to help people, and of course, MEET NEW PEOPLE. I will be going to Leon on June 7, and I can’t wait to meet all my travel...