Recent posts from: Moca – 7/06/2016

Work Like a Local/Aid & Development July 16, 2016

Hola to friends and family in the US! Today we, the co-leaders of the day, were in charge of leading our fellow glimpsers in “Working like a local” day. The day started with a 6am wakeup call. We all had a very humbling experience working on a coffee plantation...

July 15th Politics!

Starting the day at 7am, we embarked on our Global Glimpse journey for the day with a lesson on political leaders and the history of the DR pertaining to them. We scribbled down some questions to ask our speakers in Moca later that day, and moved on to presenting our...

July 14, Down In the Dumpster

Hello everybody! My name is Carter Carlson and I was co-leader for the day along with Demetrio Rodriguez. Today we traveled to an organization known as Niños Con Una Esperanza. For those of you that don’t know, that means Children With Hope. The organization was...

Day 8 Global Business Day

Day 8 Global Business Day Today Joyce and Aisha were the leaders of the day. After breakfast, we got onto the bus and went to the coffee plantation office. There, we learned about the coffee industry and how it works from the inside out. Robert the manager had coffee...

Free Day #1 July 12th , 2016

Hey! I am Solveig and today was our first Free Day. We woke up this morning and were able to sleep in and start breakfast late which was wonderful as we all got some greatly appreciated sleep. We then had a couple hours of free time which transitioned straight into...

Education Day, July 11, 2016

Hi! I’m Sara and today was Education Day (as seen in the title). It was a great opportunity to learn stuff for both the Glimpsers and some of the locals. We started the day off by waking up at 7 AM, then we got breakfast at 8 AM from the wonderful kitchen staff. After...

Living Like a Local

Hello families and friends back home! Today I had the pleasure of taking on the role of leader for our “living like a local” day. It was a very special day, and we all had very enriching interactions with the locals from San Luis. We were greeted on our arrival to...