Recent posts from: Orosi 6-30-2023

Welcome safe arrival!

Dear Global Glimpse family and friends, We are happy to announce that all of our students and GGLs have safely arrived to Costa Rica. We will stay the night in San Jose and we will be traveling to Villa Alas Azules in Cartago (our base house) in the morning. We...


Hey! My name is Stacey, I’m 17 years old and I go to Middle College High School. I love to travel and bake. I’ve been to many places across the world which is one of the main reasons I applied for this program:)


Hello my name is Sebastian Castro I go to Middle College High School in Long Island city. I like to watch a lot of movies and I’m trying to get into the film world. I just think it’s really cool how different perspectives can be seen in all different kinds of movies....


Hii, my name is Marcus McNeal Strongs, a soon-to-be senior of Eagle Academy for Young Men 2 in Brooklyn, New York. I am a member of the Eagle Academy football team. My dream is to be a physical therapist. In my free I like to listen to music, lift weights, play games...


Hi, my name is Michael McNeal-Strongs, a soon-to-be senior at Eagle Academy for Young Men 2 in Brooklyn, New York. I am a member of the FearlessSteppers step team for my old afterschool program. My dream is to become a chef. In my free time I like to watch anime, play...

Hey Everyone!

My name is Bella Truman, I’m a musical theater major at the Professional Performing Arts School and I live in Manhattan NY. I’ve spent most of my life being a hip-hop dancer up until around high school, but I currently volunteer as help for my old dance...


Hey everyone! My name is Ayanna Smith and I currently attend Williamsburg Preparatory High School as a rising senior. I enjoy playing video games, traveling, and spending time with my friends. I’ve traveled to various different countries from a young age because...