Recent posts from: Turrialba 2 6-10-2024

Day 10 CAP Day 1

Today was our first day of community service at Eslabon School. We sanded and cleaned the walls of two classrooms to prepare for our main goal, to paint the walls. With only twenty students, we were able to successfully accomplish the preparation needed to proceed...

Day 9 – Community Day

Hello Families, This is Lizzie and Miranda!! Today we went to visit and spend time with local Costa Rican families. We learned how to cook empanadas and tortillas from Costa Rica (made fairly different from what we are used to).  We also were able to speak with the...

Day 8 – Environmental Justice

Today our theme was environmental justice. We “global-ed” every room in the morning for a “glimpse”. We started the morning with breakfast followed by an icebreaker. Our Glimpsers prepared for our upcoming CAP project with a seminar involving a...

Day 7 – Fun Day

Today was an adventurous day full of ups and downs. Literally, as we went on an early morning hike to Las Trillizas. After a 30-minute hike through the rainforest, we were finally able to see and hear the true beauty of nature, 3 beautiful waterfalls that felt...

Day 6 – Global and Local Business

Today was full of many long-lasting memories that one will never be able to recreate again in their life. Ren-Kuan and myself were faced with a full day taking out the other students on a hike to this vastly rich mountain filled with trees, plants, flowers, animals,...

Exploring Conservation

June 15, 2024 Today we watched a documentary called, “Kiss The Ground”, which talked about the effects of deforestation and how the soil is being polluted with man-made chemicals. This documentary gave us a broader knowledge about conservation and helped...

Day 4 : Learning about Aid and Development

Friends and families of T2A Glimpsers – sorry you weren’t seeing the last few blogs from your group. Due to a small technical glitch (now fixed) they were being posted in another blog category. Please enjoy their last two blogs and expect to be seeing trip...