Recent posts from: Las Tablas 1 6-7-2024

Community Action Project Day 2

Hello family and friends, It’s Chris and Jonathan, the Leaders of the Day on Friday, June 14th. Our Community Action Project, or CAP, is reforestation in Panama. We are trying to help out the environment and people one step at a time. We woke up around 4 AM to...

Day 7: Community Action Project Day 1

Hola friends and family, This is Nick and Michael we were the Leaders of the Day for today, the 13th of June, and day 7 of the Panama trip. Today we woke up before the sun or the roosters at 4:30 am. We then got breakfast to go and jumped on the road to the worksite....

Day 6: Working like a Local

Hola friends and family! Today’s Leaders of the day were me (Vedha) and Angel! The group had a very fun day working on a farm! Today’s wake-up call time was 5:15 in the morning. It was so early!! Then we had breakfast and we hit the road to a local farm...

Day 5 – Local Business

Hola friends and family! Today, Reyna and I (Ruby) were leaders of the day. The wake-up call was 7:30 AM. We had a health check-in at 8:15 AM. Breakfast was at 8:30 AM and we had a chorizo sandwich with melon and coffee. We learned about two local businesses in Las...

June 10th, Day 4, Aid and Development

Hello Friends and Family, Our names are Peyton and Avery and we were today’s Leaders of The Day! This morning we woke up at 7 am bright and early so we could all get ready by 8 am to eat breakfast. For breakfast, we had eggs, grilled cheese with ham, and...

Day 3 – Belisario Porras

Hi, this is Miriam and Victor. We woke up early today because we were the Leaders of the Day and had to do the wake up call at 7 am. At 8 am, we ate breakfast which was tortilla, hojaldra, and sausage. We first did a seminar about the Global Glimpse rules and Savvy...

Day 2: Panamá City to Las Tablas

Exploring Panama’s Rich History and Culture Hello Families & Readers! Today we all woke-up bright and early: 6:45 AM. We embarked on an early morning adventure, starting with packing up our belongings and bidding farewell to our hostel. Our first stop was at...