After a long day of travel, CH1B has arrived in Panamá!
The group met us, their PCs, in the airport where everyone got a chance to get to know each other and discuss what they’re excited to accomplish during this trip. From the airport, we went to Hotel Gemar in Panamá City where we will be spending the night. We wrapped up the day with a short nightly meeting followed by a group dinner. Caught up in conversation, and even a game of Spades, we had to remind everyone to get some sleep. We look forward to tomorrow’s History Day in which everyone will get the chance to know Panama City and Chitré.
Make sure to check out the blog throughout the trip! Every night, a different student will share an update on the day’s events and reflect on their journey up to that point. Until then!
-Amira Chambers
So glad to hear of yesterday’s successful travels, and can’t wait to hear about today’s adventures. (It was fantastic to hear your voice, Ben. 🙂
Is there anyway I can a copy of the group photo CH1B
Looking forward to reading about the days experiences in the blog!
Thankful you all made it safely to Panama.
So glad to hear you guys made it ok. Have fun exploring Panama Freddy. From Jared’s Family.
I hope everyone has an amazing experience. Looking forward to more blog entries and pictures.
Estoy emocionado por todos ustedes en este viaje .. aprender mucho!!😉👍