This morning was our last breakfast at La Primavera. We had fruit, granola, bread, and eggs, with some fresh fruit. After breakfast, we our final reflection in the gazebo. During that time we discussed the things that changed our perspectives during the trip and what experiences we were going to take back home. One of the things that we talked about was an experience that affected the most. Most shared about our work with Manitos Trabajadores, teaching English, and the CAP project.

We had a surprise visit from our amazing bus driver, Don Fernando. He gave us each a small llama keychain as a gift and thanked us for being good Glimpsers. We all felt so thankful for him as well and were glad we got to see him one more time before leaving.

After our reflections in small groups as well as our big group, we did an activity where we wrote about and discussed things that we would start, continue, and stop doing when we return home. Some people pledged to start taking their education more seriously, others pledged to not make assumptions about other cultures., people, and places, and others want to continue being open to new things.

Next, we had time to appreciate each other through our final Big Love activity. We each wrote our names on a piece of paper and then passed it around for others to write anonymous notes on. Most people were not surprised by what others wrote, but felt good after they read all the comments. After, we did our final unity clap! We all decided to say “Global!”

Afterwards, we finished writing our letters to the people who supported our trips and made cards thanking Paco, Jonathan, and Don Fernando before sitting down for our last meal at La Primavera. Ivan served us a delicious lunch which consisted of potato pancakes, cole slaw, and chicken (with a meat substitute for the vegetarians!). For dessert we had ice cream with a brownie on top. We thanked Ivan for the meal one last time before going to pack and clean up our rooms.

Finally, we all took one last photo and started loading our things on the bus. Because Paco couldn’t join us, we had to say our goodbyes at La Primavera. We were all sad to say our final farewell! Then, we started the five hour bus ride to the Quito airport.

Now we’re finally through customs at the gate and are just waiting to get on our first flight to Houston. Everyone is so excited to have their phones back and are busy calling their family and friends.

We can’t wait to see everyone soon!