Hello everyone! Today was our first day working on our community action project. Our Project involves many different stations as well as multiple steps for each project. The stations of this project are as follows: gardens, benches, trench/drain, hopscotch/mural, and basketball hoop. Our project is specifically repairing/improving infrastructure around a school in Constanza. My station today was the trench/drain. In Constanza, it rains almost everyday (especially during the summer) therefore, the school was dealing with drainage issues and was often left with a large pool of mud and water. Our steps involved digging the trench (through dirt and concrete), placing the pipe, cutting it, and filling the extra space left after all that. Today we worked on digging the trench and planning out the area for where we will create the drain. -Ben

Hello everyone. My name is Felipe and today I was leader of the day with Ben and Carina. I chose to be leader of the day today because I was very motivated in impacting the local community giving something that will last and serve them for years to come. As leader of the day you help the group be on time to each activity and make sure everything is in place, today this included making sure everyone was drinking enough water while they where doing their work, reapplying sunscreen every 30 to 45 minutes, taking breaks, and making sure we stayed on schedule. My station today was also working on the trench with Ben. It was very intense as we were swinging picks and shoveling dirt all day, it was all worth it though as we are halfway through the project with the trench completely dug out. All that’s left is to lay the pipe and lay the cement. We are all starting to miss home a bit but we are still all motivated to push through these last 4 days and finish this project. -Felipe

Hello friends and family! Today I was Lider del Dia for Community Action Project Delivery 1. The main objective of today was to begin working on our goal of bettering the environment of the 89 student school Centro Educativo Asia Maria Colon. To do this we planned on building 8 cement benches, revitalizing their garden, fixing an area of their pipe system, and painting hopscotch for their recreational time. I’m part of the gardening team and the painting team and I’m satisfied to report we’ve made significant progress on both. With the assistance of workers from the community we were able to clear out all the plants we aren’t keeping, set aside the saveable ones, and start building our planters. The painting team finished creating the layout for the hopscotch, laying down the base layer of color, and working on the initial concepts of the design for the squares. While working on this I was also responsible for keeping track of everyone’s wellbeing. Going into this day I was very nervous but honestly having the responsibility allowed me to have the clear, focused mindset that I think all the Glimpsers have been trying to maintain throughout this trip. Thank you for following along during this process. -Carina