“I’ve learned that people may forget what you said, they may forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Ken Wilson
Waking up at 6:00 in the morning was very difficult because we knew we had a very long day ahead of us. Having planned to work at La Goyena community from 8:00am through 4:00pm seemed like such a long time, working outside in the blazing heat, sweating bullets, getting dirt in places where it shouldn’t be, and working on three completely different projects seemed merely impossible. The teachers and Global Glimpse leaders even had their doubts on how we were to get the projects done in such a timely manner. When we finally arrived to La Goyena, we split up into three groups to work on our projects. The first group, which was installing pipes for sinks and an irrigation system, continued digging all around the school with the help of some community members. Along the way, many of the students received blisters because of the hard effort to dig up the dirt, but their grit and commitment kept them going! As for the second group, they were able to sketch their unique and individual designs to explain how to filter water. This was very important for the community because the well-water has many different types of bacteria. Once this was done, they moved on to transform buckets into sinks, which will allow each student in the community to have accessible water. The third group began to sketch out their design for a mural, and as some were sketching, others began to paint the mural. As time passed, each project began to take shape, and in a matter of hours we noticed that we were almost finished with everything. The time we finished was at exactly 2:30pm which was an hour and a half earlier than what we anticipated!! When Don Fabio, the leader of La Goyena community, and the students that were specifically working on the pipe project saw the water start flowing after we turned the knob on the faucet, smiles of victory began to appear across everyone’s faces. They were aware that they had sparked a flame in the heart of each individual that witnessed this event take place!
Maybe one day, a long time from now, the pipes will break again, the filtration signs will get destroyed or the mural will begin to fade, but with all of this said we keep in mind that not only did we make an impact on the community, but in ourselves. The entire group will always remember this day as one of the toughest but most rewarding days of their lives.
Hola, Colette and your compadres,
What incredible experiences you are having. Your projects seem doable and may actually help people’s lives to be a bit easier. May this joyful feeling of helping others stay with you as you return to your homes and continue to guide you in decisions you make for the rest of your lives. The lessons you have learned on this trip will influence how you look at the world around you both at home and abroad. We are proud of all of you.
Alejandra we are glad that you’re having fun. We all miss you and hope you’re having a fun time! Mom and Dad say they love you and see you soon
Way to go Alejandra!! I can’t believe all that you and your group have accomplished–can’t wait to hear more soon! 🙂
Hi Jina,
I am so proud of you and hope you won’t forget what you did there.
Mom & Dad
Congratulations Leon1 Glimpsers!! We are so proud of all of you. The incredible project that you developed and completed will make an enormous difference in the quality of life for the people of the La Goyena community. You have received the kind of education that doesn’t exist in books or in a traditional classroom.
We wish you a safe journey home and we can’t wait to see you all!
Michael and Maria Zeitsoff