Hey everyone! We started today early with a wake-up call at 7:30 am, a guided meditation with Tim at 7:45 am, and breakfast at 8:00am. The meditation helped us open our minds for the day’s events. By 9:00 am, we met with 4 different families from the Aquiares community, the small town in which we have been staying. Today we had 4 leaders of the day, Grace, Destyni, Tony, and Maya, who served as translators and helped facilitate the conversation between the Spanish-speaking families native to Costa Rica and our fellow Glimpsers. We had the opportunity to ask these families about their daily lives and how they compare to our own lives back in the States. We used phrases in our Global Glimpse travel journals to spark dialogue and enable non-Spanish speakers to communicate with ease. We are so thankful to these four families that received us into their homes with open arms and taught us how to make traditional Costa Rican recipes, including empanadas and arroz con pollo. They answered our questions about their dreams in life, their experience raising their families in Aquiares, and their struggles living in a small community with limited access to resources such as education. After lunch, each group engaged in a variety of recreational activities, including board games, finger painting, tortilla/arepa making, and other experiences that allowed us to with immerse ourselves in the daily lives of the locals. By the end of the day, everyone felt completely at home and was sad to leave our host families. We very much appreciated their kindness and open hearts that allowed us to feel like a part of this beautiful community. We ended the day reflecting on our different experiences with our host families, an American-style hamburger dinner, and our nightly meeting in which we passed the leadership torch to Nikki. We had so much fun being leaders today, and we can’t wait to continue to grow as leaders for the duration of the trip. Pura vida!

Big love,

Grace, Destyni, Tony, and Maya

P.S. We can’t wait to share all of our stories with you back home. See you on the 27th!