Today we are half way done with this trip as we are on day 7 Community day. We started the day pretty early waking up at 6 am with breakfast at 7:30 am. At 8:30 we headed to community Canada de les Palma where we split into different groups shadowing a single family to see what they do in their day-to-day life. We got to see how our lives compare with theirs and how fortunate we are opening our eyes to see how much opportunities we really have compared to other families.

Hanging out with the families was the most fun part for everyone as we helped with chores as we got to know them. For our group we took the kids exploring the community after finishing their daily chores. The kids took us to the river to see where they play baseball then we took some time with the kids playing basketball  (Christopher, Noel, Jose, and their cousin who joined us on the way). As the time went by more people came and started playing different sports. Half way there we began serving food to the community making sure they all get to eat before we serve ourselves. After everyone was done eating we cleaned up after our guests and ourselves. After we were done eating we explored the river nearby with the kids then headed back to enjoy the rest of the time playing sports, talking, taking photos, and dancing. We stayed in the community from 9am-3:30pm and everyone was really sad leaving them behind.

Leaders of the day:


Dhaifallah Dobashi: ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ Asmhan, Asom, Mohamed, Ahlam, Asalah, Ibrahim, Ijlal, Badir, rayan, Reem, and of course my parents. Hope you guys been enjoying your time without me, Yes! I’m Talking all of you. Iv’e been having a great time here as I share a house with 4 other boys. Its been great here as we explore different places and communities. The DR really reminds me our childhood in Yemen as it has similar traditions and communities. I hope to see you guys soon! especially BADIR, RAYAB, AND REEM, I miss you guys!

Karina Alvarez: Hola mami! Hoy fui el lider del dia y nos toco ir con una comunidad local de aqui. Me diverti mucho jugando con los ninos chiquitos de la comunidad que estaban muy emocionados por ensenarnos como es su dia a dia. Tambien estoy aprendiendo a bailar bachata y merengue un poquito mejor para ensenarte cuando regrese. Las extrano mucho y las amo a todas. Nos vemos la siguiente semana. Love you.