Coming to you straight from Ecuador, it’s Elena and Nicole. We were the first Global Glimpse LLDs (Líderes del Día), and let me tell you… something it was interesting.

After breakfast, we headed over to Cacha where we met “Segundo.” He is a native indigenous person and a great storyteller. He showed and taught us about farming techniques, Panchos, and the meaning of the designs of the clothing. He even showed us a photo of himself making a Basket when he was younger. We had the chance to learn the history of the indigenous people of Cacha, and our group had really great inquisitive questions to ask Segundo. As a group, we got a chance to have lunch in Cacha and had the opportunity to try Cuy (guinea pig). It was truly heartwarming to witness how our fellow Glimpsers embraced trying, enjoying, and even wanting more of the Cuy.

We then took a ride to downtown Riobamba where we enjoyed a city tour. There were so many people and the traffic was bustling, but we survived and thrived. We also enjoyed the beautiful architecture & learned some artifacts. You won’t believe what we saw, but it’s okay; we took pictures to show you later. We learned many interesting facts about the local buildings and schools and even saw part of Chimborazo (the volcano) in the distance.

I really enjoyed seeing all the happy faces on my fellow Glimpsers and how open everyone was to trying Cuy in Cacha. It is very beautiful to see everyone eating dinner every night as a group. After being Líderes del Día, we learned that we can be loud and assertive when we put our mind to it and that leading is a lot more than just telling people what to do… but also influencing, engaging, and connecting with others.