The night before I became the leader of the day I was contemplating about what I had to do to put forth my greatest attempt at being leader. I had taken mental notes all week about what the previous leaders had done and before going to sleep I was thinking about all of the positive feedback that all of the last few leaders had recieved. The first thing that came to mind is that I can be prepared to answer any and all questions about the following day. I quickly looked over the schedule and memorized all of the times on it. I knew I was doing well when somebody asked “How long will the bus ride take?” and I said “25 minutes”.DSC_0425

My first mission as leader of the day was to wake everybody up at 6:30 but I didn’t really have to, because there were fireworks going off from 4:00 to 5:00 in the morning. After the real wakeup call, we ate breakfast and got our bodies and minds woken up with some energizers. Then we had our Global Business Seminar, where we learned about fair trade. We also spoke about the impact that a consumer choice can make. For example, by not supporting superpower corporations that commit actions that you do not approve, of they lose out on money. Now just imagine that on a large scale, to avoid losing a profit it would be a smart business idea for the large corporations to change their actions to satisfy the consumers’ concerns.

At 9:00 we headed over to a coffee factory called Beneficio Don Estaban. Unfortunately, we could not see the process that coffee went through from the ground to the cup because the coffee plants weren’t really in season. The factory was just shipping out their last bags of coffee overseas. We watched a powerpoint about the coffee process and how it was shipped worldwide. We learned that different coffee producers followed different regulations on how to treat their farmers so they will not be taken advantage of. We also tried cupping coffee which is how it is taste tested and run through a checklist before it can be sent out of the factory. While cupping, we tried to make the slurping sound that the employees made while tasting, but we weren’t able to replicate it.


After the 25 minute bus ride back to the hostel, we ate lunch and went on another trip. This time we went to Barista, the first coffee shop in Matagalpa. We got smoothies, cakes, brownies, pancakes, and of course, coffee. While we were at the coffee shop, we ran into professional basketball players from the US that played for Matagalpa’s team, Toros del Norte. They were telling us about how it is sometimes very difficult to overcome the language barrier when they are out around the city. After the players left we got a chance to learn how to make a cappuccino. A barista, which is the equivalent of a bartender for coffee, was telling us about her life as a barista before giving some Glimpsers a crash course in cappuccino 101.


Being in the position I was in for the day really make me see this trip in the adult light. When everybody was ordering extra food at Barista I quickly went around collecting money to pay the bill at the end. Going around making sure everybody is present and nobody is being left behind is a lot harder than it looks. Having the pressure on me to make sure that we have a productive day was definitely positive stress that I would take on again.
