Today we woke up at 5:30 AM and ate breakfast at 6:30 AM. Our abuelita Ilka made delicious empanadas, tortillas, caribanuelos, sausage, steak, pancakes, and eggs with vegetables. At 7:15 AM, we had a health check to make sure we were all feeling well enough to tackle the last CAP day! Then, we headed to the bus at 7:30 AM. We were really excited to see everyone being on time. We arrived at the beach at 9:00 AM where we stretched and got right to work. We separated into our groups: the butterfly, turtle wall, and turtle nursery room. For the butterfly group, we were in charge of planting the last few maracuya plants that were left and adding the labels on the other plants that were planted the last 2 cap days. Next, the turtle wall group! We got right to work! We worked together as a team to carry heavy logs, and rocks and dig holes to put them there. The nursery room helped fix the broken buckets from last night. It was nice seeing everyone enjoying themselves after working so hard the past few days.

After finishing the projects, we had lunch, and went swimming! The water was so warm and refreshing after a long day of hard labor. On the bus ride back to the hotel, we rested so that we could be prepared for our cap reflection, dinner, and nightly meeting. Where we shared big love with others and passed the torch to our new LEADERS OF THE DAY!!! We also want to appreciate the Glimpsers for putting their all on their last day and they deserved to enjoy themselves on the beach!

Selene: Big love to my Dad, Andrew Curtis, for being the best ever. To my sister Milagros who’s in a summer program over at Boston. To my little brother Maximo who’s at home playing video games, and to Marcos, my older brother, who’s watching me from heaven. I think about them throughout all my activities and, I miss and love them so much!!

Ashley: Hola mami! Te extrano mucho! Digale a mi papa, mi hermano y mi Dylan q los extrano mucho y los quiero mucho! Muy pronto voy estar en casa y cuento los dias para q los vea y los abraze muy fuerte! Los quiero mucho!!! Les mando muchos besos!!! >>>3

Big Love,

Ashley and Selene