Hey everyone! It’s Meghana and Ana here. Today was Free Day 2 and we all had a really good time. We woke up today at 8:00 am and walked to Rosaura’s for breakfast which was cereal. After breakfast we had 2 hours of free time and CAP time where one person from each group went with one of the community members to get their supplies.

During that time some people went out with their ambassadors and got some souvenirs and others went to play basketball with Sixto.

After free time we had lunch at Rosaura’s where we had Sancocho and white rice while those with food restrictions enjoyed vegetable soup. After lunch we had explore time where we could go out in groups of four or more to explore the city a little more. Ana here and I just wanted to let you all know that my group and another group met two Haitian boys outside of Bon (ice cream store). They were asking for food so what happened was that my group bought them ice cream and the other group bought them water. Just letting everyone who reads this blog know that the experience that we are getting here in the San Juan has helped us value what we have. Once finished exploring, we came back to the accomodations to get ready for English Tutoring Prep.

We then taught our English classes, where most of us enjoyed teaching. After that, we walked to Rosaura’s once again for dinner, where we surprised Grace for her birthday.

We enjoyed pizza and had a blast dancing. We came back to the accomodations after dinner, and had our nightly meeting. During the meeting we all noticed how big of a family we have all become and how much we have grown as individuals and as a group. And to all the families that are checking in: just know that we all miss you and that all of us are safe. Big Love to you all.


P.S Ama porque no comentas? Te extraño mucho y estoy bien. Ademas, tengo una sorpresa para todos cuando llegue. Los Amo y cuidense. Tu hija Ana Karen❤. Bebe you better find a way to comment or else I might think you guys don’t love me. You probably wont do it…I know you.


P.P.S. Happy Birthday mom! Love, Maggy