Hey everyone!

Today, June 16, Enrique and Jennifer were the LDDs! Today was a laid-back day, so we spent most of the day sitting together in the dining hall. We started off with a delicious breakfast, which was followed by two mental warm-ups. It sure woke us up! After we were all warmed up, we finalized our appreciation cards for the Global Glimpse supporters who made this entire trip possible. In order to be prepared to leave on time for the San Jose hotel the next day, we all began packing once we wrote our appreciation cards. At 12:00 pm, we had a very big lunch- there was so much spaghetti! We then had another hour and a half of free time, so we focused on socializing as much as possible to enjoy our last full day together. Afterward, we had one amazing guest speaker come to the base house to give a presentation on the importance of always acting with our impact on the environment in mind. His name is Rodrigo Mendez, and he is in charge of the Laboratory Program of the State Distance University, and he has a wealth of knowledge on environmental preservation and care. Free time came afterwards, as well as the third and final call home! For dinner, we had some very delicious burgers with chips, many of us even got seconds. After our nightly meeting, we had a surprise! Memo turned off the lights and walked in with a huge birthday cake to celebrate the three birthdays of this trip: Nikki, Oviya, and Kahlan! However, the fun didn’t end there- to end the day off, we had movie night! Our movie was Howl’s Moving Castle, a whimsical and beautiful animated film.

Being LDDs came with a lot of responsibility and the need to step out of our comfort zone. However, it was definitely an enjoyable experience. We got to check in with all of our peers to make sure everyone was feeling well, and if they weren’t, we made sure they got all the rest they needed. By the end of the day, we felt good knowing that everyone felt heard and seen and that thankfully, everything was in order.

We are proud to introduce the next and final student LDDs: Drithi and Thy! They will be guiding us during the Final Reflection, and we can’t wait to see how they’ll close off this amazing trip!

Global Glimpse Love,

Enrique and Jennifer

More photos from today here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/3cp3y2t4rvFpdR6C6